How we can help

Get positive reviews where it matters most and divert negative reviews before it hurts your reputation.

Get more customers

Our reviewmanagement system will help you get positive reviews which increase your business's credibility and trustworthiness. Your reputation will increase and therefore attract more potential customers.

Reviews = marketing

Our reviewmanagement system automatically covers the online marketing you need to do for your business, because the positive reviews you get from your real customers will speak for itself.

Get found online (SEO)

By getting reviews with our system your business will rank higher in the search results and thus help you get more website visits, emails and calls from potential customers. 24/7 our system will help your business with SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Highly recommended watch

Which business would you call?


Having no reviews tells the world that you’re either a brand new business, or haven’t been around for a long time.


A lot of reviews that are mostly positive tells the world that you are an established business who treats customers right.


A low star rating tells the world a large portion of your reviews are negative, which turns off most costumers immediately.

Start your free trial

Simple process to get started

Add Your Business Info

Simply add your business name, category and address into the system.

Populate Relevant Review Sites

The system will automatically pull in review sites where you and your competitors are listed on.

Import Past & Current Customers

The system will then send automated drip campaigns out to customers prompting them to review your business.

Get started

What’s included?

Full-Featured Review Management


Custom-branded email invites auto-deploy to past customers perfectly timed to maximize the Google search algorithm. Instant review invites to new customers with custom integrations.


Our review widget allows customers to give you 5-stars on all of the top review sites with a single click. Customers are 68% more likely to review using the Review Genie system.


By increasing reviews, your site will rank higher for top keywords when customers are searching for your industry.


Our review management system works 24/7 to build and manage your business reputation on autopilot. We automatically respond to all reviews and hold any negative reviews and instantly notify you BEFORE it gets posted.

Customer testimonial

Real reviews from real customers.

We get your business real results

Hamilton CDL Medical, a commercial driver’s license medical examination center based in Queens, New York, was struggling to attract new customers due to limited online visibility and few reviews. We helped them with our review management system and by optimizing their Google Business Profile.


After setting up and optimizing their Google Business Profile, the Hamilton CDL Medical began to appear at the top of search results for relevant keywords. In addition they now rank in the top 3 of Google maps search results. Our review management system helped the business generate more reviews from satisfied customers, with the number of Google reviews increasing from 0 to over 200 5-star reviews!


As a result of the increased online presence and positive reviews, Hamilton CDL Medical has seen a significant increase in website visits, calls, and messages from potential customers. They have also been able to retain existing customers who are now more likely to recommend the business to others.


Overall, the implementation of our review management system and optimization of their Google Business Profile have been crucial in helping Hamilton CDL Medical grow their business and increase their online visibility.

Get started

Interested in using our system for your business?

Get a free trial to experience our system in your daily business operations. (No creditcard required)

Don't know where to start? Let's get in touch!

Let us know what we can do to make your life easier and feel confident that your loved one is getting the care they deserve.

    Our partners

    Our system works with dozens of review websites and platforms to ensure that your business is represented everywhere your customers are searching.

    Why reviews matter

    Key Statistics 2022-2023

    • More consumers are reading online reviews than ever before. In 2022, 77% ‘always’ or ‘regularly’ read them when browsing for local businesses (up from 60% in 2020).
    • 67% will consider leaving a review for a positive experience, while 40% will consider leaving a review for a negative experience.
    • 89% of consumers are ‘highly’ or ‘fairly’ likely to use a business that responds to all of its online reviews
    • 57% say they would be ‘not very’ or ‘not at all’ likely to use a business that doesn’t respond to reviews at all.
    • More consumers use Google to evaluate local businesses than ever before. In 2021, 81% did, but the year before that, just 63% did.

    Source: Bright Local

    Quickly get to the top of search results with our Local SEO Software

    Google and other major search engines are putting more emphasis on current reviews every time they do an update.

    Our users have seen dramatic rank increases on Google when we consistently get positive reviews from their happy customers. Reviews contain keywords which will attract more people to your web presence, increasing your visibility.

    Who is this for?

    ✓ Local Trade Business
    ✓ Cafes & Restaurants
    ✓ Hair & Nail Salons
    ✓ Dentists & Doctors
    ✓ Any business that needs more
    traffic and revenue

    Claim a free 2-week trial. No creditcard required.

    15 minute Zoom demo

    Watch a 5 minute demo of our review management system

    Why choose our review management system?

    We have got everything your business needs for a good reputation.

    Skyrocket your reviews

    Manage your Reputation

    Take control of your reputation
    You know consumers are relying on reviews and the internet more than ever before to inform their purchasing decisions. Ratings can be the difference between you or your competition growing or closing the door.

    It is now easy for you to take control of your online reputation

    A solid reputation comprised of online reviews spread across all sites that matter online will get NEW CUSTOMERS and it will cost less and require less effort on your part per NEW CUSTOMER than anything else that is out there.

    We all know a great reputation is a must but it used to be a burden… Quick reviews has turned your competitors burden into your companies opportunity.

    Positive reviews enhance all of your other marketing Efforts and increase SEO rankings and conversions.

    Start my free trial

    Get Alerts to Negative Reviews

    Quickly respond to your customers
    Ever worry about unhappy customers taking out their frustrations online? Worry no more! Negative reviews will be internalized. You will be alerted in real time to important changes instantly allowing you to respond at the speed of business from within the alerts.

    Take Control

    Any negative feedback from unhappy customers gets internalized allowing them a way to vent their frustrations and giving you the opportunity to respond and react quickly to unhappy customers and identify employee issue.

    Reviews Boost SEO

    Consistent reviews will make your business rank higher on search results, complimenting all of your other online efforts and when you get found we make sure you are looking good!

    Customers Read Reviews

    Those 92% of consumers who use online reviews to make purchase decisions have made up their mind who to buy from before they even call or stop by, we make sure they choose you.

    Grow Reviews on Multiple Platforms

    Where should the reviews go? You don’t have to worry about managing your reputation anymore, our review management system uses advanced algorithms and A.I. to decide where to send each review based on live data. In addition it is possible to focus solely on one review platform.

    Build Brand Trust

    90% of your happy customers would leave you a review if it was easy… we turn them into one of your most powerful marketing tools. Their kind words are keywords, endorsements, recommendations, ranking and brand building trust.

    Software Integrations

    Quick Reviews easily integrates with over 4000 existing applications like Quickbooks, Xero, Salesforce, Mailchimp and more

    For example if you use QuickBooks (or any of the other 4000 + applications) we can automatically ask for and get reviews from your customers every time you invoice them without adding anything to your business process.

    Reviews enhance all of your other marketing efforts

    • Do you have a great looking website?
    • Want to be optimized for SEO?
    • Want to perfect your PPC campaign?
    • Want to drive traffic from other sites?

    Having a good reputation can increase the number of people who buy from you online. If you already have positive reviews, it can help you spend less money to get new customers by convincing more people to choose you instead of your competitors, even if they find you through other online marketing efforts.

    Interested in using our system for your business?

    Get a free trial to experience our system in your daily business operations. (No creditcard required)